Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Homily for 24 Feb 2016

24 Feb 2016

There’s no record of the Apostles ever having been baptized.  Jesus called them; he said, “Follow me,” and they did.  And, as we know, they followed him (for the most part) through the Passion and Resurrection, and then went on to spearhead the beginnings of the Church—all at a great cost to themselves.  The Apostles were never baptized (in water), but they certainly lived the life of the baptized; they lived the life of one who follows Christ—regardless of where that fidelity took them.

Of course, now, we are baptized.  And that was both the call and our response to Jesus.  And so, maybe sometimes in life, Jesus pulls us aside (like the Apostles) and says, “Now, be careful up ahead here.  Someone’s going to try to put fear in your heart, but remain strong; remain in me.  Be my disciple.”  That’s where our baptism leads us—it leads us to follow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

As we continue in our Lenten practices, it’s good to consider: Is the Lord calling me to do something, or to be something which will require me to put real trust in him?  Is there a change in life I need to accept, but am afraid to?  How is the Lord asking us to live out our baptismal calling: the call to be a servant, a follower, one who trusts in the Lord and can say: “Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.”   

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