Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Homily for 17 Nov 2016

17 Nov 2016
(School Mass)
How many priests are here in this building today?  Well, I’m one.  But the Book of Revelation says there is a “kingdom of priests to serve our God.”  There’s a whole kingdom, there’s a whole bunch of people who are priests—because a priest is someone who makes an offering.

You know, when you go to art class and you make a painting or a drawing.  What do you do with it?  Well, you probably take it home and show your parents, right?  And it’s even more special when you make something to show somebody how much you love them.  But when you take that gift and you give it to someone, you’re making an offering.  And what you’re offering is the gift of yourself.

Every time we come to Mass, we see Father raising his hands all the time in prayer.  Or we see him lifting up the Body and the Blood of Christ.  But that’s what a priest does—a priest offers things.  A priest says, “Here, God, this is what we have to offer you.  Please accept it as a sign of how much we trust you and love you.”  A priest is someone who makes an offering.

But what happens when someone goes to confession?  What happens when someone prays to God from their heart?  What happens when you try to do the right thing even when it’s tough?  Well, that person is making an offering to God.  And, you know . . . that’s something each and every person here can do.  We can each say to God, “Here I am, Lord.  Lead me today; help me to do your will.” 

That’s the prayer of a priest.  And, even though not everyone here is an ordained priest, everybody can—and should do—the most basic thing a priest does; a priest makes an offering to God.  Even when we’re singing to God, we’re offering our praises to him.  So, how many priests are here in this building today?  Well, there’s one ordained priest.  And quite a few other priests as well.

What kind of offering are you going to make to God today?  

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