Thursday, December 21, 2017

Homily for 21 Dec 2017

21 Dec 2017
(School Mass)

First, let me say what a wonderful job you all did yesterday at the Christmas Program!  It was a great performance, and you obviously put a lot of work into it.  So you can be very proud of yourselves.  And, you know, that’s only because the music and the story were great, it’s also because you were sharing Jesus with other people.

Everybody had a part to play in the Christmas Program; and everybody has a part to play in sharing Jesus with others.  Some parts are big, some parts are small—but each one of them is important.  It makes me think of the story of how Jesus came to be born; there are lots of characters!: Mary, Joseph, the Archangel Gabriel, Zechariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist (even the unborn have a role to play), the Prophet Isaiah, shepherds, the choirs of angels, King Herod, the sheep, the cows, the owls…pretty much all of creation!

When it comes to sharing Jesus, we all have a part to play—doesn’t matter how young or old we are.  Some of us are quiet, and we like to think a lot.  Some of us are really loud, and we like to talk a lot.  Some of us are creative and artists; some are good at sports and showing good sportsmanship.  Some of us are really good at showing kindness to others; and some of us are really good at just being in awe of God’s wonders and being an example to others. 

We all have a part to play in sharing Jesus with others.  We all have a part to play in making the Christmas story come true—not just on Christmas Day, but on every day of the year!  And whenever we share Jesus with others, we know he’s very proud of us. 

So the Christmas Program is over for this year…but sharing Jesus with others?  Well, that never ends.  And we each have a part to play in making sure that Christmas never ends.

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