27 Jan 2017
“Slow and steady wins the race,” said the tortoise to the
hare, “slow and steady.” And when it
comes to faith, we’d say, “Trust and endurance wins the race. Trust and endurance.”
The Kingdom of God is like a seed growing in the ground. It doesn’t all come up at once, but it grows
very slowly, almost imperceptibly . . . but it does come up, one little bit at
a time. Of course, if you’re worried
about tomorrow and what it’ll bring, or are too busy hopping from one place to
the next, with never enough time to stop and be still, it’ll seem like the
fruits of faith will never come.
But trust and endurance wins the race. They open our eyes to see the little bits of
the Kingdom coming to be. In the race we
call a “life of faith,” the only thing that will get us to the finish line—to
the Kingdom of God—is faith: trusting faith and enduring faith.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” said the tortoise to the
hare, “slow and steady.” And when it
comes to faith, we’d say, “Trust and endurance wins the race. Trust and endurance.”
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