Thursday, January 21, 2016

Homily for 22 Jan 2016

22 January 2016

Sometimes you have to step back and see the big picture.  All this week we’ve seen in Scripture that God is at work, gradually shifting the lives and the fortunes of his people.

King Saul—disobedient, obstinate, and even selfish—has been replaced by King David, a king from whom would come the Messiah.  And the Pharisees and scribes who were trying to trip Jesus up at the start of the week have been replaced by the Apostles.

The bad have been replaced by the better.  And it was all the work of God who cares for the welfare of his people.  But we won’t see this if we don’t step back and take in the big picture.  However, the Word invites us to do just that . . . to see how God is changing our lives and fortunes—maybe not day-to-day, but in the course of months, in the course of years.

It takes a lot of time, faith, and hope to change the course of human lives.  Rest assured, though, God is always at work, steering the ship, leading us to a better life with him and one another.

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