20 July 2017
The psalm today inspires us to “recall the wondrous deeds”
the Lord has done. And, of course, the
temptation there is to focus on what the Lord has done for “me.” But, really, as a people—as a community—of faith,
we look beyond ourselves to get a bigger picture of all the “wondrous deeds”
the Lord has done.
We can look at the story of Moses, and how God chose him to
free the Israelites from misery in Egypt.
We can look at how God led his people through the desert, and purified
their hearts and minds to lead them into the promised land.
Or we can do what the psalm does—we can remember the covenant
God made with all humanity. He did that
with Noah (remember the rainbow), and with Abraham, and with David. Of course, that very same covenant was
renewed through the Passion of Christ.
It’s a “wondrous deed” that God, the Ancient One, the Creator of all
that is wanted to be in a covenantal relationship with human beings; with each
one of us individually.
We can look at our neighbors who prosper, or our friends and
family who are blessed with children and grandchildren. And then there are all the many gifts God
bestows on people: artists and musicians, writers and poets, engineers and
laborers, mothers and fathers, and so on and so on. And, of course, we can look at the created
world and see an overabundance of God’s handiwork.
The psalm today inspires us to “recall the wondrous deeds”
the Lord has done—not just for “me,” but all around. Happily, whenever someone else is blessed,
so, too, are we, because we’re all members of the one Body. And when one member of the Body is blessed,
the entire Body is blessed. And so, thanks
be to God especially for the wondrous deed of having called each of us to be a
part of the one Body, the community of the faithful, the Church.
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