Friday, February 17, 2017

Homily for 17 Feb 2017

17 Feb 2017

“The Lord frustrates the plans of the people.”  We heard that in the psalm; we see it in the story of the Tower of Babel; and it comes through when Jesus talks about taking up our cross, denying ourselves, and following him.  The Lord frustrates the plans of the people; he tries to get into between us and what it is that we desire.

Of course, anyone who’s been a parent knows exactly what God is up to.  He’s not trying to be mean; he’s not trying to discourage his children.  He’s trying to keep his beloved children on the right path.  He’s trying to ensure that we will actually be happy and fulfilled, and safe.

“The Lord frustrates the plans of the people.”  He tries to get into between us and what it is that we desire—not always, but sometimes.  He only does that when our desires and plans will turn out badly for us.  And we trust his Wisdom to make that call.  And when he does, what else can we say but, “Thanks be to God” that he steps in.  Thanks be to God that he loves us enough to put his foot down and say, “No."

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