Monday, September 28, 2015

Homily for 29 Sep 2015 The Archangels

29 Sep 2015
Feast of Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

“War broke out in heaven.”  That’s a fascinating line from the Book of Revelation: of all places for war to break out, it happened in heaven.  It’s an image of the future, of the end times.  But it’s also the present reality wherever the Church and Christ are at work.

Wherever the Church is, the Devil will be there, too.  Wherever the People of God are at work, the spirit of division and hatred will be there; the spirit of rivalry and close-mindedness will be at work . . . not because the Devil is in the Church; but because the Devil hates the Church.  The Devil hates the fact that we’re trying to follow Christ and become holy.

Of course, we needn’t be afraid of the Devil.  The Son of God is infinitely more powerful than a fallen angel (which is who the Devil is).  Between Jesus and Satan there is no contest; it’s pointless on the part of Satan to continue to fight.  Of course, he doesn’t give up.  And neither does God, or us, or the countless angels and saints who worship God in heaven and earth.

We have St Michael the Archangel, whom the Prophet Daniel describes as a “great prince who stands up for the children of God’s people.”  And we have St Gabriel the Archangel, who is unfailing in getting God’s message to his people.  And there’s St Raphael the Archangel, known for great powers of healing.  Among the Saints in heaven, the three Archangels stand out as defenders and supporters of God’s people.

And the Archangels are what they are because within their minds and spirits there is no war.  They are entirely devoted to God; that’s the definition of a “saint:” one who is holy, one who is single-minded in adoration and worship of God.   The peace of heaven already lives within them, and that’s what motivates them to help us.

The life of heaven has already begun within our hearts.  But it’s not entirely here yet.  The war that broke out in heaven still rages on wherever people are trying to better themselves out of love for God.  We have one foot in the peace of heaven which is Christ, and one foot in that part of heaven still at war with the Devil.

But we look forward to a day when the Devil will be thrown out of our lives, and there will be for all of God’s holy ones . . . peace and joy and happiness.  Someday we’ll enjoy that single-minded adoration and worship of God which the angels enjoy.  St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael . . . pray for us.        

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